One-Sheet 02- Communication

 Payton Grady

Junkyard Platforming


             Having revisited the Door Puzzle, I made a few changes. I added a junkyard-esque theme to the map to color code different objects. While some crates in the junkyard are a darker color and a rectangular shape, other crates are a brighter color and more of a cube shape. This color code is used to symbolize what can and cannot be used. I also used a mix of text renders and lights to reinforce what can and cannot be grabbed. 

The Constructivist Method

The constructivist method, based on behaviorist and and montessori principles, was also incorporated into this project. This involves operant conditioning, which according to the text “involves changing voluntary actions of subjects via positive and negative reinforcements, as well as punishments.” (Totten 214) As an example of positive reinforcement, I have made the player able to enter different districts, which each become a checkpoint when they show they have learned the grabbing mechanic. I have incorporated negative reinforcement- after falling down from a ledge, players will not die, but they will need to utilize the grabbing mechanic to get back up. As a positive punishment, if a player falls down at a checkpoint, there will be crates nearby to get back up. This punishment is positive because it contributes something the player did not have before. Last, as a negative punishment, if a player falls down before reaching a checkpoint, he or she will have to start the puzzle all over. Rather than give the player a task in order to continue, it simply takes away the progress the player has made. 


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